Welcome Back!
Hello to all and I would like to say that I am very excited to come back to the world of blogging and having everyone updated on myself.Since the last time I posted, I have made quite a few changes in my life, starting with I left my book selling position in Dorset last summer and contiuned working with my father in the outdoor business. That was a nice change back to a normal routine and I enjoyed working with that. I contiuned to work all summer long, mowing lawns and trying to get ready for spring semester of college once again.
Before I knew it, August had arrived and I went back to Itasca in Grand Rapids to contiune my education. I graduated from there this past May, and I decided to go back and try out a new program that I was interested in. Natural Resources Law Enforcement caught my eye and I decided to give it a go. I enjoyed everything out it, expect for the going outdoors part and walking around the woods all day. With that in my mind I decided to transfer to Hibbing Community College this spring to where I would be studying plain law enforcement and I have to tell you, it was the greatest decision I have made in my schooling career.
I am coming up to around week 6 already in spring semester and man have I been busy. Homework is taking up all of my time and I never been so busy studying and trying to get in hours of experience doing ride alongs with local agencies. Between doing that and keep myself out of trouble by staying involved with the Grand Rapids Players, I also decided to join my church band, where I sing tenor and play the bass guitar. So all in all I have become a very busy person since I joined the program here in Hibbing.
I just thought that I should update everyone on how things are going here. I am hoping to start blogging at least once a week to keep people updated on how things are.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
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