Job Hunting. The words that no person wants to hear anyone mention let alone type. What about those words do we dislike so much that it causes so much drama in our lives that it creates more problems instead of fixing them? There is so much that goes on during job searches and it is more than enough to believe that it could only cause more problems then fix. But lets see where do we begin..... The endless days of searching the Internet looking for work that we could even relate to or even picture ourselves doing and sometimes just sitting there watching our day dreams unfold before our very eyes is enough for us to gasp in fear at how could we possibly even think about doing that for a living. Its scary is it not...
Working on a resume these days are easier than most. Most of the time the resume is saved on your computer waiting for more input to be placed to make us sound more interesting or more knowledgeable than what we really are. I know that I dislike my resume because of its crap. I haven't had the ample opportunity that most people have had by my age with jobs to make their resumes sound even more interesting than mine. But I guess that is how it goes though. Taking your resume through life just one job at a time is most of the way that people go, and who could blame them.
Once you finally find a job that you think that you might be decent at then comes the mounds of paperwork that needs to be filled out. The application itself is a hassle because of all the information they expect you to know and have stored in the back of your head in case something is called out or needed. I mean who does that, who just walks around going that if they needed to change jobs to something different they could just go BOOM here I have these references and this experience to make me the best candate for this job. I do not have that ability. Maybe you do? Who knows for sure?
After all those pain staking moments, or days, or weeks, or months even, you will finally return the application or hear back from the potential employer. You will either be devastated or excited depending on how it all goes down. All that hard work for one phone call or email to either say you got in or you do not have what it takes to be a good person for this job. OUCH... But always remember to keep your head and chin up and never give in.
So lets Review it!
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