Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seconds Away

I had the great opportunity to witness One Act Play Competition at Park Rapids this Saturday. There were six great shows from Park Rapids, Nevis, Walker-Hackensack-Akeley, Menahga, Sebeka, and Laporte. All these schools were part of the 24 A Subsection Contest. Each show showed the creativity and craftsmanship, by showing their theater spirit.

My favorite show was from the Park Rapids School, which was named The Chronicles of Jane Book 7. According to Samuel French Inc. "Jane is a teenager of such prowess that, at last count, over thirty-seven thousand people in eighteen different countries wanted to be her. She assembles her friends and followers so that she can retell the story of one of the greatest challenges in her heroic career--the dreaded tale of The Term Paper. Can she defeat teachers, time, procrastination, and her evil brother Stewart and finish her term paper?" 

This show kept you on the edge of your seat the whole time. It was humorous, horrifying and just plain embarassing all at the same time. They performed extreamly well, giving the fact that the cast was made up of a chorus like group where her desk, chair, computer powerchord, wall, everything in her room was played by people, giving their input on Jane and how they interfere with her life. Being able to connect to theater is a big thing, and this is something that I have connected too. Being a college student I am very weak when it comes to fighting off procrastination and I can see where Jane is coming too. 

To congratulate all the performers on this Subsection Contest!!! Park Rapids took first place today and will head on to sections at Wadena next week. Great Job!

Oh and by the way Park Rapids performed this show extreamly well and extreamly close to the cutoff time. They only made it by 6 seconds!!!!! WOOO!!! That is close, but exciting at the same time! Can't wait to go to the Section Contest next week. Will keep you all informed!!!

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